
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Of Course, I'm Sure Nothing Was Done About It

From the August 24, 2011 New York Daily News:

A naked madman went on a stabbing spree in a Manhattan apartment building Tuesday, wounding four people and killing one, cops and neighbors said.
Christian Falero, 23, rampaged in the buff through the building where he lives on Riverside Drive in Washington Heights, greeting his victims with knocks on their doors, police sources said.
When Ignacio Collazo, 81, and his wife, Margarita, 75 answered their door about 4 p.m., Falero plunged his blade into their bodies, the sources said.

Read more:
It would appear that the earthquake drove him over the top, but the article also reports that neighbors said Falero had a history of mental illness.  This August 24, 2011 New York Post article quotes an aunt that Falero suffered from depression--but this is hardly the behavior of someone who is depressed.  I would be surprised indeed if this was the first time Falero has shown signs of severe mental illness.

One of the most depressing aspects of the whole deinstitutionalization debacle is that there is some evidence that the earlier schizophrenia is treated, the more likely it is for the patient to either recover, or at least be less severely impaired by it.


  1. This August 24, 2011 New York Post article quotes an aunt that Falero suffered from depression--but this is hardly the behavior of someone who is depressed.

    Bipolar, maybe, with a psychotic break here?

  2. Clearly the problem is too many knives in homes and those knife collecting fanatics and believing the 2nd amendment allows anything other than butter knives (no sharp edges or points) or owning more than one licensed machete to be used for brush clearing and hunting only!

    P.S. I'm being sarcastic.
