
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Righthaven Fined $5000 For Misleading the Court

Steve Green at Vegas Inc. reports that Judge Hunt has fined Righthaven $5000 for "misleading the court about its lawsuits."  Unsurprisingly, Righthaven is going to appeal.

This just gets better and better.  What happens when you mix dishonesty, arrogance and stupidity?  


  1. "What happens when you mix dishonesty, arrogance and stupidity?"

    President Obama.

  2. "What happens when you mix dishonesty, arrogance and stupidity?"

    See, Presidential Election results, Nov. 2008.

  3. This insanity won't end until those behind Right Haven are thrown in jail.

  4. Just curious: If Righthaven hadn't made such a muddle of "whose copyright is it?" - in other words, if the correct party was named as the plaintiff - did they have an arguable case against the defendants for violating copyright? (And I mean, even if the state of the law is messed up currently.)

  5. "What happens when you mix dishonesty, arrogance and stupidity? "

    You get Barack Obama.

  6. Considering what they did, and the scale of damage to those whose expression they chilled, this seems like a slap on the wrist to me.

    They made a hell of a lot more than $5,000. If this is their sanction, they might as well roll that into the cost of doing business.

    I don't know if this is legally feasible, but can their settlements be revisited?

  7. " What happens when you mix dishonesty, arrogance and stupidity? "

    He becomes the President of The United States of America.

  8. Has anyone said "Barack Obama" yet?

  9. As a prevailing defendant and wanna-be archenemy of Righthaven, I recommend trailblazing attorney, Todd Kincannon of The Kincannon Firm who has announced he is accepting past and present Righthaven defendants as new clients for class action (mass action) litigation against Righthaven, its media clients, and others involved in the Righthaven operation.

    If you have been sued by Righthaven, even if you have already settled your case, you are invited to call or email. Cases will be taken on contingency, meaning if there is no recovery, clients will not have to pay for The Kincannon Firm’s services.

    If you are interested, call The Kincannon Firm at 877-99-COURT or email

  10. Curse you, Righthaven! If you hadn't sued Clayton, he wouldn't have to moderate the comments on his blog, and we wouldn't have half a dozen repeats of one of the correct answers to his question in the post!!!

    (Another answer to "What happens when you mix dishonesty, arrogance and stupidity?", of course, is "You get Righthaven"; yet another answer is "You get the Modern Two-Party System, complete with Primaries".)
