
Friday, June 17, 2011

Sunspots Going Away

Professor of Geology Don Easterbrook has a comprehensive discussion of the evidence for another Maunder Minimum like event in the next few years, and how that is likely to produce severe cooling over at Watts Up With That?  Some of this material I have used in my Western Civ class to help students understand the importance of climate change to human history.  

I reiterate: the only way the global warming crowd will admit that there's something wrong with their theories is when polar bears start eating warmists at conferences in Palm Springs.


  1. I confess a deep desire that James Hansen and Michael Mann freeze to death.

  2. You're wrong, Clayton. Even then, they'll claim it was anthropogenic climate change.

  3. Have you considered that the rise of the Norse and the Arabs might both have been facilitated by the Medieval Warm Period?

  4. No, I have not. The Norse might make sense. Certainly, the Moundbuilder civilization of North America probably had much to do with it. The Little Ice Age explains the disappearance of the Anasazi, the migration of the Aztecs to the Valley of Mexico, among others.
