
Monday, June 20, 2011

Cover Art Again

A couple of readers suggested that because the book cover is never much larger than an icon in Kindle, you want a relatively simple design that will shrink down and still be highly readable and striking.  There is a lot of merit to this, although I do think the cover with the Eastern European homeless guy was very emotionally powerful.  If this somehow turns into a print book, or there is a need for a higher resolution cover for some format other than Kindle, I might go back to that fine piece of work by the Jacobsens.

Here's the simplified, designed to be readable as an icon size, choices:


  1. The scaffold photo, while being provocative, is too busy, not to mention the matter of permissions.

    I also like #1

  2. They're all good; #3 seems best to me.

    (Only sorta off-topic: how about making Armed America available in epub format?)

  3. I do not think my publisher for that book would be interested. I suppose that I could ask them. I think they are hoping to sell some of the vast quantity that they printed, and no one bought.

  4. I think number 3 is best, the texture in the wedge doesn't add that much. The other thing is the chevron between brother and Ron looks kind of like a break, which echos the theme of mental illness.

  5. The graphic designs are fine, visually engaging but not arresting. Without a compelling image to go with the title, I believe the simple title "My Brother Ron" becomes a bit ho hum.

    If you're simplifying the graphic design to suit an icon, you might want to consider punching up the title.

  6. The title "My Brother Ron" is good. What could make the message clearer other than the break. Of course a lot of people do not know much about mental illness and may not get the message without pictures.

  7. I prefer the first cover with the texture in the triangle.
