
Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm Sure There's a Purely Natural Explanation

But it sure would be nice if there wasn't.  CBS channel 5 in San Francisco reports that man ran out of a San Francisco porn store "engulfed in flames" with third degree burns:
Arson investigators said it was not exactly clear how the man caught fire. Police indicated he had apparently been watching videos in a private booth when the fire ignited.


  1. Yes, running out of a porn star would probably have put out the fire.

  2. What's that aerosol "air freshener" that was so popular in gay circles as a sex aid about 30 years ago? I remember reading about it being a health hazard, so to get around the ban it was sold as a room "air freshener"

  3. They TOLD him he was going to burn in hell for that! =b

  4. Windy: Amyl Nitrate, and after that was banned, they went to Butyl Nitrate, and so on down the line to worse and worse stuff. Apparently it's a very strong vasodialator, and gives a momentary "Rush" when inhaled. The slang term is "poppers".

    God, why do I know stuff like this?

  5. Don't feel bad; for me that is almost completely useless information, so I remembered all that generally but forgot most of the specifics.
    I don't know which is worse. Remembering the useless information or forgetting everything except you used to know said useless information.
