
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm Glad The Europeans Have Very Strict Gun Control Laws...

It prevents things like this from happening.  From the April 9, 2011 Daily Mail:

A gunman opened fire with an automatic weapon at a crowded shopping mall outside Amsterdam on Saturday, leaving at least six people dead and wounding 11 others, Dutch officials said.
The attacker was among the dead after fatally shooting himself at the Ridderhof mall in Alphen aan den Rijn, Mayor Bas Eenhoorn said. The suburb is less than 15 miles (25 kilometers) southwest of Amsterdam.
Four of the wounded were in critical condition, five were in serious condition and at least two others were slightly wounded, Eenhoorn said.
Actually, all that strict gun control does is guarantee that no victims are going to return fire.


  1. I'm fairly shocked that after WrongHaven you're bothering with anything more than a paraphrase and a link. After all, they even went after journalists who published their public-domain court filings until the bad publicity and risk of countersuits got to them.

  2. If this doesn't qualify as so obviously fair use that a suit filed would qualify as abuse of process, we're past peaceful solutions.
