
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Religion of Peace

I saw this news story from The Press Trust of India over at Volokh Conspiracy and while I wish that I could say that I was surprised, I really wasn't:
Kochi, Kerala:  The police has filed a chargesheet against 27 accused in the brutal attack on Professor T. J. Joseph, a private college lecturer in Kerala. His right hand had been chopped off allegedly by activists of the radical outfit Popular Front of India (PFI) on July 4, 2010.


The hand had been cut off at the wrist on allegations of blasphemy by Muslim radicals belonging to PFI for preparing a question paper for B.Com semester students which reportedly had some references to Prophet Mohammed.
Fortunately, doctors were able to reattach Professor Joseph's hand.

Oh yes: and in one of those signs of the courage of the college administration when confronting evil, the college fired him.  Yes, I know that most Muslims would not approve of this action, but there are 54 people accused in this case.  This was not the actions of one lone nut. At some point, when this plot was being hatched, there were no Muslims aware of this who recognized the barbarism of the plan and called police?

One of the commenters over at Volokh Conspiracy (Salahudin al-Rawandi) unintentionally proves my point:
I’m sorry I read this blog as an academically neutral blog. The most I expected was an ideological bent, but this is acidic vitriol, especially when Prof. Volokh insists that its true that Muslims rape their own children. Disgusting.
 But Professor Volokh has not made such a claim.  Professor Volokh's post was extraordinarily calm--only quoting a paragraph from the news story, with no other commentary.  Yet al-Rawandi is clearly more upset about reporting of this Muslim barbarism than he upset about the barbarism itself.

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