
Saturday, January 15, 2011

For Those in Salt Lake City

Utah is planning to make the M1911 the official state gun of Utah commemorating John M. Browning on January 24, 2011.  This agenda was sent to me by the family of John M. Browning's descendants, with whom I have been talking about the pressing problem of mental illness :

The ceremony starts promptly at 12:05.
There will already be a Blackhawk on the front plaza and Browning displays in the rotunda.

On front steps if weather permits. Otherwise, just inside front doors by

12:05-12:10 I will open the ceremony with Color Guard, Pledge, and Prayer.

12:10-12:12 F-16 Fly-by (waiting for Pentagon approval) If weather is poor, we will quickly step outside for fly-by and go back in

12:12-12:20 Gov. Herbert will speak and present the Resolution we passed last session, designating 1/24/11 as John M. Browning Day, to one of Browning's Great Grandsons. (I'll know name soon)

12:20-12:25 Comments from Browning's Great Grandson

12:25-12:30 Comments from Adjutant General Tarbet of Utah Nat'l Guard

12:30-12:35 Comments from Col. Scott Zobrist (Brig Gen. nominee) of 388th Fighter Wing HAFB representing Base Commander General Busch.

12:35-12:40 Rep. Carl Wimmer to comment on his 2011 resolution to make the Browning designed 1911 the official state gun.

12:40-12:45 adjourn to displays in rotunda

1 comment:

  1. A State Gun? I like it!

    I tried to google "state gun" to see if any other State had one, but apparently Utah will be the first.

    As an added bonus, it irks "Salt Lake Tribune" editorial board!
