
Friday, December 17, 2010

Final Exam

I'm sitting here, waiting for the last student to finish his final.  I was pleased how many students made a point of telling me how much they enjoyed the class!


  1. My semester was less enjoyable, I think I got burned out on the attitudes I was getting from students.

    For the final exam, three students showed up without a pen or pencil.

  2. Did you offer them a pocket knife, and tell them to write their exam in blood?

  3. We had snow which in the Southeast is a big event. I teach a night class and night exams were canceled. I ended up having to email the students the exam and making it a take-home.

    I am still amazed by those who didn't do well given it was essentially open book.

  4. Well, no ... but I'm going to next time. Better response than the one I gave which was just: "This isn't high school". A comment that evidently no one, including college administration agrees with me upon.

  5. Sometimes teaching is great, sometimes it stinks. This week one of my students wrote a glowing letter-to-the-editor about me for all to see. Today, I had to tell one of my students to show up next semester with a better attitude, or else... So both highs and lows in one week.
