
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

These Are The Things That Make Me Despair For My Country

This September 29, 2010 New York Post article about a Rutgers student who was apparently "outed" by two other students who used a webcam to film this guy having sex with another guy--and then put it on the Internet.  The student committed suicide.

I am shocked that anyone would commit suicide over something like this today, in a profoundly pro-homosexual society like ours.  I am sure that the two students being charged in this did not expect this result, either.  But so what?  This is the sort of barbaric lack of respect for another person's privacy and feelings that just enrages me.

1 comment:

  1. I am shocked that anyone would commit suicide over something like this today, in a profoundly pro-homosexual society like ours.

    One speculation: I can see how someone grappling with a traumatic personal issue could be led to suicide if the source of the trauma were publicized. Maybe Tyler himself had a deep conflict with homosexuality?

    Reputation with family is another hypothetical motive, if one's parents are from Middle America and not employed by the Berkeley Humanities department.

    ("Berkeley" and "humanity" in the same sentence just hurt my head. Does ObamaCare cover that?)
