
Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Reader Is Running For Fountain Valley, California City Council

You can see his campaign blog here.  He clearly has weird ideas about being plain-spoken, instead of telling people what they want to hear.  Let's hope that this sort of trouble making works well on Fountain Valley voters!


  1. Wow. That was honest. I predict he'll get about 10% of the vote; that seems to be the percentage of people who share those views (maybe 15% in Idaho), although they like to convince themselves there are more of themselves than there are. Bad form, though, complaining about the spelling of the form and then mis-spelling "Medicaid".

  2. Fountain Valley is deep in Orange County--a place that tends to be more conservative than Idaho.

  3. Conservative, yes; extreme Rex Rammell-style conservative, I'd have to disagree. President Obama pulled 48% of the Orange County vote in 2008. Since it's a "Vote for 3" out of 10 candidates election, I'm still sticking with my 10% prediction.
