
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Imagine if a Republican Were President Right Now...

This September 24, 2010 Minneapolis Star-Tribune article would have already generated calls for impeachment:

The FBI raided the Minneapolis homes of five antiwar activists, including three leaders of the Twin Cities peace movement, Friday morning as part of what it called a probe of "activities concerning the material support of terrorism."

The Minneapolis office of an antiwar organization was also raided, protest leaders said. No one was arrested in any of the raids.
Could antiwar protesters be involved with terrorist groups?  I would not be in the least bit surprised.  Might the FBI have gone off half-cocked on this, or have received credible but wrong information that led them to this raid?  I would not be in the least bit surprised.  My point is not whether there is a real issue here--but it is amazing how much stuff in the Bush Administration was evidence that fascism was about to fall on America--but I rather doubt that anyone on the left is going to make similarly hyperbolic claims about Obama.

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