
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sinus Washes

Instapundit points to an article about sinus washes as a treatment for sinus problems. I've been using NeilMed's product for several years, and I do think that they help. But I would say that the Breathe Right strips that I have discussed here have been more useful. Of course, it's not a choice; you can use both.

One downside to sinus washes--you really need to clean the sink carefully afterwards to maintain domestic peace. There's no question that the saline wash removes stuff from your sinuses--the evidence is unmistakable.

1 comment:

  1. Clayton, enjoyed the reading as I'm 15 hours into my post nasal operation. The continual slight bleeding had me concerned but seems it has stopped. It is 230am and I was waking every hour from severe dry throat. My throat hurts and I spit out fresh and old blood. So not bleeding from nose (sitting now for an hour researching and nose pad not catching anything . Makes me thing throat is bleating some... This is first time writing on a blog and even reading a blog. Interested in seeing how this works... :-) .. Blog and recovery
