
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Why High-Cap Magazines Matter

When a crowd of hundreds show up and start making threats of murder and arson, you better be ready.

Black Lives Matter Boise Holding a Defund Police Rally at Boise City Hall 5:30 This Evening

Show up for the counterprotest.  They promise a peaceful protest, but Antifa often seems to have missed that message.  I would strongly discourage open carry; it gives the news media dangerous visuals that harm the cause of keeping police. 

If interviewed, I would focus on the prejudice of assuming all police are bad guys because of the actions of a very few police officers in almost entirely Democrat cities.  If there is a need for more social workers that is not a reason to reduce police funding; demonstrate that improved efforts in this area helps before cutting police budgets.

Do not bring your antivax/militia/revolt against the government signs; this just plays into the Left's hands.

Unfortunately I cannot make it.  I am supervising a puppy that went in for a spay, and turned out to have endometriosis and an ovarian cyst.  She does not like being calm and sedentary is not part of her vocabulary. 

THe Democrats Have Lost the Plot

The official Democratic Party account tweeted (then deleted) a post calling a firework display at Mount Rushmore on the 4th"a rally glorifying white supremacy."  Okay, maybe Jefferson, a slave owner might fit, but not the President who signed the Emancipation Proclamation.  The only thing those four faces have in common is that they are white.

Monday, June 29, 2020

I Understand That American News Media Are Not Presenting All the Facts

Fortunately U.K. newspapers are not in on the deal.  6/29/20 Daily Mail:

A couple brandished an AR-15 and a handgun at protesters marching past their mansion in an upscale St. Louis neighborhood.

Husband and wife, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, could be seen aiming the guns at demonstrators who walked by their palatial property in the wealthy Forest Park area at around 6pm on Sunday. ...

The protesters were en route to Mayor Lyda Krewson's home to demand her resignation after she released the names and addresses of residents who had suggested defunding the police department. 

They had broken their way into the gated community where the McCloskeys live.  

The pair are both personal injury lawyers and run McCloskey Law Center from inside their extravagant home....

Other demonstrators are heard shouting at everyone to 'Go' as the woman continues waving her handgun at them from her front lawn and Mark McCloskey watched from the front door with his rifle. 

St. Louis police confirmed they were called to Portland Place at around 7.20pm on Sunday night for an incident involving trespassing and assault 4th intimidation after the McCloskeys issued a 'call for help'. 

'The victims stated they were on their property when they heard a loud commotion coming from the street. When the victims went to investigate the commotion, they observed a large group of subjects forcefully break an iron gate marked with “No Trespassing” and “Private Street” signs,' police said. 

'Once through the gate, the victims advised the group that they were on a private street and trespassing and told them to leave. The group began yelling obscenities and threats of harm to both victims.

So Burn, Loot, Murder forces entry into private property yelling threats.  Appropriate reaction. BLM/Antifa is going to get carried away pulling stunts like this some day soon...carried away to the morgue, and the news media will be screaming about white supremacists.  Oh, and how to break friendships with allies:

Mr McCloskey, 63, has previously represented a victim of police brutality. The man - who was identified by the initials I.F. - was kicked and struck by police officer David Maas in shocking dashcam footage that appeared to show him surrendering. 

The initials match a 2019 civil lawsuit made by Isaiah Forman in which the same allegations are put forward. 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

They Misspelled My Name! Racism! Oppression!

My name is Tahlea (or Tali) Aualiitia and as someone who — through unsolicited commentary — has always been told how "different" and "difficult" my name is, this quote has always resonated with me.

In fact, the last person I had to correct for the misspelling of my name was someone from my own employer, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

I was invited to join a panel on representation in pop culture by the ABC News Channel earlier this month, and because the name super (the strap with my name at the bottom of the screen) was added during production, I wasn't aware my name was spelled incorrectly until after the interview had finished and I was informed by my family and friends.

Typos happen and I understand how a slip of the finger on the keyboard turned my surname from Aualiitia into Auakiitia.

But while it was the first time I had done a TV interview, it wasn't the first time I had seen my name spelled wrong in the media.

Just a month ago, my name was spelled incorrectly by a producer in my own department, the Asia Pacific Newsroom.

It was pretty disappointing especially given it was a Pacific story from my own newsroom.

Now, I want to be clear that in both instances my colleagues reached out and apologised and I hold no ill feelings towards them, but these small errors can have big impacts among communities that often don't see themselves reflected in the media.

I'm not alone in having my name spelled wrong — my mum's Italian maiden name, Boccuccia, has been misspelled on her Australian birth certificate.

However this is not just about the spelling of my name; I've also been told by a radio presenter I pronounce my own name wrong, and I've heard my name laughed at on a Mamamia podcast.

It's no coincidence I'm speaking up about this during the latest wave of the Black Lives Matter movement.

It's hard to explain what racism feels like to someone who has never experienced it.

Do you how many ways there are to misspell my last name?   Kramer, Crammer, Craymer?  Anglophone oppression.  Time to loot and burn.  German Names Matter!

If your list of racial oppression starts with misspelling an unusual name (twice! oh, the horror!), it tells me that your list is not terribly meaningful. And the woke wonder why their complaints about racial oppression do not get much traction in much of America.  Two white police officers and two people of color police officers kill a suspect.  Real problem.  Being followed around a store because you are considered likely a shoplifter because you are black?  Humiliating and unfair but not in the same category as being killed by a police officer, or being lynched, or not getting hired because of your color.  Misspelling your name tells me you have no idea what oppression is.


When Racial Prejudice is Acceptable

A St. Olaf College theater department professor blamed “white rage” and a fear of white students as reasons for her recent decision to leave her job at the small, private campus.

Professor Michelle Gibbs sent an email to a St. Olaf faculty listserv June 18 explaining the driving force behind her decision.

“This past year, I taught in constant fear of my white students. I knew if I angered them, it could mean my job, or fear that they would come for my career,” Gibbs said in the email obtained by The College Fix. “This type of white rage is real for many of us.”

“I am leaving St. Olaf College because as a Black woman I don’t have the full support of my white colleagues at the college. There are not enough white faculty and administrators willing to stand on the front lines to support us against a biased system that is set up to fail us as Black and Brown faculty.”

I am confused.  If a store detective following a black person around a store, on the assumption that black people are likely shoplifters is racism, what do we call fear and distrust of white students for what two white police officers and two police officers of color did?  We call it "woke," not racial prejudice.

Great comment: "She is in fear of white drama students. Perhaps the only person on the face of the earth afraid of theater majors."

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Great Moments in Cluelessness

Washington Post reporter tweets:

The first graph is the classic "failed arithmetic" error of journalists: refusing to understand rates vs. raw counts.  The second tries to fix that problem (showing he understands the problem with his first chart) and failing to notice that all but one are Democrat.  And these are the elites that looked down on us deplorables in flyover country?

Machining Lesson

How do you keep the clamps holding your milling vise from loosening up?  Very slow feed rate.  Edge milling acetal .35" deep at .1 inches/minute seems to work perfectly.  I could probably go faster but why bother?  I have historical research to do while I wait for it to finish. 

Comedian Chris Rock on Police Brutality

The language is sometimes vulgar, but the advice is clear and good.  While aimed at a black audience it is  a good idea for all races.  My father-in-law managed to turn a warning about double parking into a near arrest, by mouthing off to an officer who was just doing his job.  Had he been a seedy teenager (white or black) it would have ended badly.   

The Left's Goal for Rioting Was to Promote Social Change

And they have succeeded.  6/25/20 Chicago Tribune:

But with a wave of crises crashing across the country, more than 40,000 Illinoisans applied for a gun permit in a little more than two weeks this month, more than 500% over this time last year, according to Illinois State Police.

Gun sales are soaring at Mark Glavin’s gun shop in Elgin, from an average of 10 a day last year to as many as 200 a day this year. With so many gun purchases, he said, ammunition also can be hard to find....

The mandatory 72-hour background check — required by the state before getting a gun — has stretched to more than a week for some of his customers. On Monday, he was still waiting on five backgrounds he submitted on June 16, eight from June 17 and seven from Thursday....

The firearms services bureau of the Illinois State Police is taking an average of 94 business hours — not counting holidays, weekends, the day the gun is purchased, or the day the sale is approved or denied — to process background checks, roughly a day longer than usual, according to state police spokeswoman Beth Hundsdorfer.

The bureau is responsible for issuing firearm owner’s identification cards and concealed carry licenses, as well as conducting background checks for licensed gun dealers when a sale is made. Its work started to pick up in March and has spiked in June, Hundsdorfer said.

From June 1 to June 17, there were more than 42,000 applications for FOID cards, compared with about 7,000 during the same time last year, a 501% increase....

“One stat that jumped out at me was defensive ammunition,” he said. “You have two flavors of ammo, practice — or range — and self-defense, hollow-point, which is much more expensive. We saw May 2020 over May 2019 firearms sales were twice as high and defensive ammunition was 10 times as high....

A 38-year-old man from Dixon — who didn’t want his name used, citing employment reasons — described himself as “a very liberal Democrat” who for decades has been “for most forms of gun control politically.” But since March, he’s been waiting for his first gun permit to arrive so he can keep his family safe, he said.

“My views have recently changed, and I have accepted that the Second Amendment provides for the personal ownership and use of a firearm,” he said in an email. “The recent social unrest of a divisive president, the pandemic and dramatic rise in unemployment, and the more recent social unrest because of the way we police in this country have all been reasons that have prompted my recent application.”

David Lombardo, owner of Safer USA and a concealed carry gun instructor, said he’s had several callers lately who candidly disclosed their political beliefs and asked him for one-on-one training, because “they don’t want anyone to know they’re doing the training, let alone going to buy a firearm.”

“I have seen the emergence of a new class of students seeking training: anti-Second Amendment liberals,” he said.

I doubt progressives are going to vote for Trump, but their enthusiasm for the senile old man who loves gun bans is going to be less than overwhelming.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Request for Any Time Travellers Reading My Blog

Please go back to the late 18th century and show them fonts that are easier to OCR.  And go through there type cases and break that funny s that looks like an f.  The verb "fmitten" really confused me. 

Potemkin Villagers

The San Francisco Giants are doing their part to ensure their fans' presence will be felt when baseball returns next month -- at least in print form.

In a letter sent to season-ticket holders Thursday, the Giants announced that games at Oracle Park will be played without fans due to the coronavirus pandemic, but the team will allow season-ticket holders to send in an image of themselves to be placed onto a cutout that will be displayed in the stands during home games.

Imagine the roar of the crowd!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

No More Talk About Gun Control to Prevent School Shootings

Following a rush of similar moves across the country, the Seattle School Board voted Wednesday to suspend a partnership that stations five armed police officers at Seattle schools.

Board members unanimously approved the measure.

The suspension is just one part of a broader proposal to improve school climate for Black students, who last year made up nearly half of students referred to police across the district but just 14% of enrollment at Seattle Public Schools (SPS), according to district data.

That's about the same fraction as black crime.  I see no reason to assume special treatment.

What's The Problem?

The Feds Sent More than 1 Million Coronavirus Stimulus Payments to Dead People, GAO Says
As long as they keep voting!

COVID-19 Deaths

Daily deaths (smoothed) at IHME.  We are at 1/3 the rate of the peak of April 17.  The terrified predictions of easing the lockdown are not happening.  Even the exemption for peaceful protests and riots has not created an expanding death rate.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Voting Fraud

We know it is really rare.  Just a Republican talking point.  The Heritage Foundation has a list of criminal convictions.

Defacing a Black Madonna

It appears that someone in The Netherlands has taken up Shaun King’s crusade to destroy Christian images. Dutch residents of Breda found that a vandal painted “BLM” and perhaps a crude swastika on a mosaic reproduction of Poland’s Black Madonna of Czestochowa. Members of the local Polish community were outraged.
Shaun King wants images of Jesus and Mary that are too European removed.  But even a seriously dark Madonna is not good enough.

Passing for White

This used to be a thing where light-skinned blacks pretended to be white.  Now we have a guy who runs BLM and claims to be black.  8/21/15 New York Post:

The “Black Lives Matter” activist who came under fire from bloggers who said his birth certificate shows both his parents are white insisted Thursday the document is wrong.

“I have been told for most of my life that the white man on my birth certificate is not my biological father and that my actual biological father is a light-skinned black man,” Shaun King wrote on the political website Daily Kos.

“My mother and I have discussed her affair.”

Last June, Rachel Dolezal, an NAACP leader in Washington state who claimed she was biracial, was exposed as having two white parents.

Of course, she grew up in a white nationalist home.   It is obvious that King needs to be told "white is beautiful.  Do not be ashamed."

We Really Need to Amend the Constitution to Prohibit Discrimination by Race

Lincoln County, Oregon, has exempted non-white people from a new order requiring that face coverings be worn in public — to prevent racial profiling.

Health officials announced last week residents must wear face coverings in public settings where they may come within six feet of another individual who is not from the same household.

But people of color do not have to follow the new rule if they have “heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment” over wearing the masks, officials said.

“No person shall intimidate or harass people who do not comply,” health officials said.

With mask requirements becoming more common, activists have raised concerns that the directives could put non-white people in danger.

“For many black people, deciding whether or not to wear a bandanna in public to protect themselves and others from contracting coronavirus is a lose-lose situation that can result in life-threatening consequences either way,” ReNika Moore, director of the ACLU’s Racial Justice Program, told CNN.

So the ACLU now wants governments to treat people differently because of race?

Monday, June 22, 2020

I Thought Pot Made You Mellow

And making it legal would remove the criminal element.  6/17/20

Yes, many businesses near the heart of the action suffered broken windows and fell prey to looters as fury over the police killing of George Floyd reached a boiling point. However, the crime spree that's now touched seemingly every Bay Area dispensary was not the inadvertent result of a riot or a small-scale effort to make off with a souvenir.

Instead, according to Magnolia Wellness executive director Debby Goldsberry, 20 men armed with guns paid her store an after-hours visit on Saturday, May 30, and left with everything they could take.

"Little did we know," Goldsberry told SFGATE by phone, "that on Friday night, the 29th, five dispensaries had armed robberies. Nobody notified us that five dispensaries had been robbed. The city didn't warn us. The police didn't warn us. We didn't know, so Magnolia didn't even know to be prepared."

It appears registration is once again at fault:

While licensed pot shops and delivery services represent the customer-facing aspects of the cannabis industry, the Bay Area is also home to a large number of manufacturers, cultivators, and distributors as well. The licensing databases for all of these businesses were, until recently, fully accessible to the public.

As a result, there is now reasonable belief among industry insiders that this database was utilized as a way to target grow houses and other facilities that are often tucked away in industrial neighborhoods in hopes of avoiding unwanted attention.

On June 4, the databases were disabled in response to a letter requesting the action from the California Cannabis Industry Association.

Unfortunately, however, the damage is already done.

Nug’s CEO John Oram estimated losses to the company’s Oakland cultivation facility may top $2 million, which Budzu calculates as being worth 900 pounds of cannabis. A nearby growhouse for Cookies, the Bay Area cannabis-clothing empire overseen by rapper Berner, was also targeted. Meanwhile, down in Los Angeles, a Cookies location on Melrose was hit by looters on May 30.

Which Lives Matter?

Twice as may Americans back the “All Lives Matter” slogan over the “Black Lives Matter” slogan, says a new Rasmussen survey of 1,000 likely voters.

Among blacks, a 47 percent plurality picked “All Lives Matter” over the 44 percent who picked “Black Lives Matter.”

The June 15-16 poll asked respondents: “Which statement is closest to your own?”

“Black Lives Matter” was picked by 30 percent of voters, including 35 percent of voters under age 40, and 63 percent of liberals.

“All Lives Matter” was picked by 59 percent of all voters, 58 percent of swing-voters, and 56 percent of “moderate” voters.

“Black Lives Matter” was more favored by wealthier people. It was backed by just 34 percent of people earning less than $30,000 but by 53 percent of people who earn above $200,000. The slogan was picked by just 22 percent of high school graduates but by 41 percent of people with professional degrees.

This should be no surprise.  American blacks are not so fundamentally different from the rest of America, in spite of the image the left-wing news media emphasize of rappers, thugs, and looters.

Of course Americans with very high incomes are focused on race, because they feel guilty about their privilege, which has little or nothing to do with race.

Here Kitty, Kitty

6/19/20 Sacramento Bee:
A mountain lion cub recently caught roaming the streets of San Francisco could be the culprit behind a trio of unexplained animal killings at the San Francisco Zoo, officials say.
At least the police might protect you from it, until: Roar Lives Matter.

Read more here:

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Are There Any Joe Biden Statues?

I cannot figure out how to embed HTML in Blogger anymore.  Nonetheless, Biden explaining
that the United Daughters Of The Confederacy is "an organization made up of many
fine people who continue to display the Confederate flag."

Saturday, June 20, 2020

More Statues Toppled

U.S. Grant (who led the Union to victory over the Confederacy and whose Justice Department prosecuted the Klan after the war) Francis Scott Key, abolitionist.  The Democrats are clearly too ignorant of history to tun a lemonade stand.  The Democrats want a civil war again; they will not like the results.  And read the comments by leftists who insist these were right-wingers that the police did not stop or arrest.

Friday, June 19, 2020

White Privilege

If anyone accuses me of enjoying "white Privilege" I will invite them to look at my teeth.  There is a discoloration on them as a result many years ago to cover fever ridges, both cosmetically and to reduce cavity risk.  

Fever ridges are the result of a very high fever when secondary teeth are forming.  I had a 105 degree fever and we had no insurance.   The fever ridges were the result of my "white privilege."  

A lot of privileged whites assume their privilege was because of race, not that their parents worked hard to give their children advantages.  My kids were privileged but not by race, but very hard work and hard decisions my wife and I made.

And some of my elder siblings envy how easy my life was compared to theirs.  They often knew hunger.  My parents moved into Santa Monica from Los Angeles because the schools were much better.  (Two of my sisters went to a junior high in San Francisco in the 1950s where boys had knife fights in the halls, and girls used broken bottles. Very Blackboard Jungle.)  Santa Monica was a financial challenge, even back then when Santa Monica was a place where old people went to die, not a trendy home of the rich.  And my creepy, monstrous uncle (who deserved the suffering at the end of his life) was not around.

I did have several advantages that had nothing to with race.  Education was very important to my parents, and it was a house where everyone read.   I have recently learned that I was reading at two because my older brother taught me.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Clear Night Tonight

I have to stay up until 10:30 but M13 will not escape me!

Building Better Mill Vise Clamps

I mentioned a while back an absolutely spiffy milling vise I bought from Little Machine Shop. It was a second but they forgot to include what made it a second.   The Sherline milling vise attaches to the table with little clamps that use 8-32 screws into T-slots.  These did not fit the clamping slots in the sides of the new milling vise (too short), so I made two clamps similar in style to the Sherline clamps.  Why only 2? There should be four to use both front and rear T-slots but the side slots on the new vise do not go far enough back.  They were adequate for cutting materials that did not exert too much cutting force, but I needed a better solution.   I cut a piece of steel that uses both T-slots but still secures most of the side slot on the vise.

Much stronger hold with the risk of too much force on the T-nut, which can damage the T-slot.  I am using the first one to hold the vise more firmly to increase feed rate while cutting the second 2 hold down clamp.  Much better.  With both installed it should make machining steel and aluminum much easier. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

may not blog for a while

Too much blowback from family, some of whom are getting this second hand.  At least on subjects contrary to woke wisdom.

There is Apparently Video of the Shooter in a Physical Confrontation With Antifa Earlier

Of course, she fell down, a common Antifa method of playing the victim on video.  But the sequence at clearly shows circumstances that justified deadly force.  Now you know why Democrats support restrictions on gun ownership and bans.  It is hard to intimidate people with mob action if they can defend themselves.   Unsurprisingly,  the shooter is being charged.   It is a blue city, and interfering with assault with a deadly weapon is not okay.  This video shows one of them swinging a skateboard at him.  Do you know what damage a skateboard can do?  Besides Mom probably did not give him the Bentley that day.

"Holy Roller": Often Used as a Perjorative Description of the More Enthusiastic Fundamentalist Sects

But also the name of a real group. 

Kansas City, Mo. (1908)

12/8/1908: Police confronted a religious sect calling themselves “Holy Rollers.”  The result: riot.  A member of the sect fired a gun during the confrontation.  Participants fired hundreds of shots.  The number of dead and wounded in such a small place was somewhat astonishing to reporters.  The leader, who styled himself “Adam God,” died, as did three police officers, and the daughter of a woman fleeing the riot.  The wounded included two other police officers.

Category: public

Suicide: no

Cause: resisting arrest

Weapon: firearms[1]